My man !
I’ll tell you now
a great confidential
This is :
The concentration  of the heavy water
in your body !(Deuterium water )
above 35% heavy water(D2O) in your body
occurs impending biological collapse 
for the your body !!!

with (0-5 )% D2O constantly (state ideal)
you will be ETERNAL  MAN !

between (5-max.10) % concentration
you will have the 5-6 life !
between (10-25) % the man
has great problems health (are we the today  )

between (25-35)%
magnify CANCER metastasis

above 35 % concentration D2O
impending death !

(Under action
of the great radiation
coming from Sun for the whole Earth
big danger will be for vital water
and for life balance for all creatures
living on Earth
Because free-electron flow=fantastic ’’bomb’’
doomsday will come the Sun over whole Earth )
for edification, read please,
my previous posting !
I will return with details

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