Warning for America !
This is a humanitarian ad !
author ing. Ion Cireasa -Romania

next days ...(4-5 days !)
happen to be...
great Earthquakes in America !
in areas:
California , Florida , Texas
to Mexico !
Because Great Super-cyclone = fantastic engine electrostatik = "cyclone Harvey "
so ...
NASA and Mr. President Donald Trump
declared a Stated of America of emergency devastating earthquakes in America !
this posting is a humanitarian ad !

for clarification , read please , my Theories original
for earthquakes and for extreme phenomenas
in my blog personal
"POEZII de Ion Cireasa "
God be with americans !

I tell ...
in Romania
( and not only !)
happen earthquakes conform with my Theories original for
earthquakes and extreme phenomenas
and not only !

clarification :
earthquakes is , according my Theories  original ,
instant magnetisation of the magnetite crustal...
inertia for earthquakes !

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