Atention in the period (9-12......)04 2016 for S-E Europe !

Unfortunately... it simply happens my predictions

and confirm My Original Theories ! 

ion cireasa

Trimis public  -

My Academy Electro-Geoengineering
launches for all my Friends everywhere
a humanitarian interest announcement
This is = Great pit of Electric Potential is across Europe, now...

so... is going to happen a huge Cyclone=Fantastic Electrostatic Engine between atmosphere and Earth to be happen in South-East Europe with great extreme phenomena ;
great rainfall , huge storms, fall of hail , lightning and thunder
and then surface earthquakes in areas
Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Romania, Germany...
even in the Black Sea !

(for clarification read please and My Original Theory
about Lightning and Thunder in my blog "Poezii de Ion Cireasa ")

all this extreme phenomena in the period (...4-8...12...) 04 2016
will be confirmed  again for accurately my previous predictions
from my previous posts )

for details  read please My Theories Original about Earth
and not only !
God be with the Romans !
I'll come back with details

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