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la actiunea fenomenelor extreme si nu numai am tot scris...
Insa , acum , in al 12-lea ceas pentru omenire...NU INTELEG DE CE
nici chiar japonezii (pe care-i credeam un super popor... si care au avut parte de atatea seisme puternice si vor mai avea multe...)
nu iau in seama Teoria mea originala despre cutremure=magnetizarea instantanee de magnetita ca urmare a modificarii Potentialului termodinamic al depozitelor de feromagnetice din zonele seismice
si chiar NU INTELEG  DE CE   o tot trag  intruna cu explicatii de tot rasul despre "incalecatul si descalecatul " placilor tectonice ...!!!

(pentru cei din Ecuador sau Chile  ce sa mai zic...
poate ca ei nici nu pricep ce le tot spun... !!!)
Acum , avand in vedere marile cutremure de pe Cercul de foc al Pacificului ,
va spun ca am facut predictii in data de 22 03 2016 in urma actiunii fantasticului Ciclon "Winston " (pe Cercul de foc al Pacificului INERTIA DE RASPUNS este intotdeauna mult mai mare ca timp fata de alte zone pentru ca acolo magnetita se raceste mai greu...
pentru alte detalii si lamuriri ,cititi va rog Teoriile mele originale despre:
1.Cutremure=magnetizari instantanee de magnetite
2. Circuitul apei in natura
3.Cauzalitate Inelara in natura
4. Fulgere si tunete...
si nu numai !
in  blogul meu "Poezii de Ion Cireasa"
si in postarea de mai jos din data de 22 03 2016

(M-am adresat acum doar romanilor...!!!)
voi reveni cu amanunte ,

Domnul fie cu voi !


Atention in the period (9-12......)04 2016 for S-E Europe !

Unfortunately... it simply happens my predictions

and confirm My Original Theories ! 

ion cireasa

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My Academy Electro-Geoengineering
launches for all my Friends everywhere
a humanitarian interest announcement
This is = Great pit of Electric Potential is across Europe, now...

so... is going to happen a huge Cyclone=Fantastic Electrostatic Engine between atmosphere and Earth to be happen in South-East Europe with great extreme phenomena ;
great rainfall , huge storms, fall of hail , lightning and thunder
and then surface earthquakes in areas
Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Romania, Germany...
even in the Black Sea !

(for clarification read please and My Original Theory
about Lightning and Thunder in my blog "Poezii de Ion Cireasa ")

all this extreme phenomena in the period (...4-8...12...) 04 2016
will be confirmed  again for accurately my previous predictions
from my previous posts )

for details  read please My Theories Original about Earth
and not only !
God be with the Romans !
I'll come back with details

This is a Humanitarian ad !

Details for My Original Theory about ;
1. The Water cycle in nature
2. Extreme phenomena
and not only !

Now... over Europe is huge Electrostatic Potential
between ionosphere and Earth going happen great lightning =massive discharges of electric loads to Earth
if electro-vaporization was great by telurica membrane
(and is was ! in the period ...4-8...04 2016 )
Lightning consuming Oxygen in the atmosphere so...
instantly a huge implosion = Thunder !=invasion of Nitrogen
=powerful cooling lightning direction !
if water vapor negativ ions are a great heights so...Hail is formed instantaneously
Follow the storms  and surface earthquakes !
(even at Romania =Gura Teghii ! )
until it stabilized the Thermodinamic Potential in atmosphere !
Atention !
(...4-8...12...)04 2016   this period reference is again
and confirm exactly my previous predictions and My Original Theories !

God be with the Romans
I'll come back with details !