(My theory for Earth and quake…!)

Down step by step
into the position of Spring !
the Earth’s thermodynamic Potential
slowly returns to normal
magnetite blocks of crust it cooled
and it magnetizes the spontaneous !
in some places whole producing large earthquakes
now the Arc of Fire in areas of the Pacific
( Indonesia- Japan-California-Mexic-Chile)

lowering the Earth’s precession of the Equatorial ring
influence of thermodynamic Potential of the earth crust
between the Equator and the Earth’s latitude 45 degrees
now in this area of the Earth because of the extreme phenomena
how were the huge snow falls(Italy-the Balkans-Greece-Turkey)
magnetite blocks of crust
I’m so close to the surface  of the fused
Electric fields between the atmosphere and Earth
have been and are violent
the place can be accelerated-phase ion chemistry
and very dangerous for life !!!
emissions of toxic substances from earth
overlap with the industrial
with  combustion  air inspired !!!
in the northem hemisphere of the Earth
magnetic field of the pecession of the Earth’s Equatorial ring
(My Theory for Earth !)
will not aggravate the teleporting vortexes of electric field
in the area below the parallel of 45 degrees
to the energy barrier at the Equator !
where now the danger is magnified
due to the alignment of Earth,Mercury and Venus
(total  eclipse of the Sun !!!)
and the solar magnetic storm now…
comes with full force to Earth !

Solar magnetic storm
and planetary alignment between the Sun and Earth
amplify the combustion of the Earth’s crust
especially where there is now
Precession of the Earth’s Equatorial Ring !
Read again please
‘’My Integrator for extreme phenomena”

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