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The call  to  UNITED NATIONS  ( for the U N Organization ) !
Humanitarian ad !
My Theories for earthquakes,
for the water cycle in nature,
for  Causality Adjustable Ring in nature
is valid ( very true !)for the all phenomena Earth !
danger now for huge earthquakes in areas
1.   Australia ,Indonesia , China , India , Japan
2. and the all Ring fire  Pacific ocean
    because recently Super Cyclone 'Winston "
3. danger  now for huge earthquakes in areas
     Spania , Italy , Greece ,Turkey and ROMANIA  (...! 5 ! ...) 03 2016
4. in the North America !
is all earthquakes to conform my predictions
for clarification read please my blog "Poezii de Ion Cireasa"

Vortex imens peste Sudul si S-E Europei =
Fantastic motor electrostatic !

in urmatoarele 3-4 zile
posibil sa fie trombe marine si uragane
pentru ca imense forte electrostatice
actioneaza acum asupra intregii atmosfere
cu modificarea de potential termodinamic al scoartei terestre
si cu absorbtie de ioni negativi de apa din teluric
deci vor urma caderi masive de precipitatii
iar  in perioada

(...! 5 !...) 03  2016

vor fi posibile mari seisme =
remagnetizari instantanee de magnetite !
in zonele;
Spania , Italia , Grecia , Turcia...(seisme de suprafata)
si in Romania !   (seisme de medie adancime )

pentru lamuriri citeste in postarile  anterioare
1.  Teoria mea despre seisme
2.   Teoria mea despre Circuitul apei in natura
3.  Teoria mea despre Cauzalitate Inelara...   
      si nu numai !

perioada de mai sus reprezinta Inertia de raspuns a Terrei
la actiunea fenomenelor extreme

Voi reveni cu amanunte !

Trimis public  -
Ad humanitarian ! =happening now !
on behalf of the new Academy for earthquakes and the extreme phenomena
1.    will be possible Super surface earthquakes in areas
      Australia , Indonesia, India ,China, Japan
      due to recently  mega electromagnetic storm "Winston"
      in the Pacific ocean...
       read please my Theory for instant magnetisation of                    
      magnetite=earthquakes ! the response of the Earth's Inertia
      may be only  5 days...

2.    will be possible surface earthquakes in North America
       due recent modification of thermodinamic potential of telluric
      (very low temperatures recent... )
      for clarification read please my original Theories
      in the blog "Poezii de Ion Cireasa "
3.   all the Pacific ring of fire has been affected a lot
     will shudder from all sides !
4.  the atmosphere has gotten a huge amount of negative ionized water
     and the Electrostatic Energy between Earth and Ionosphere
     it is now a huge !

For clarification read please and
My Theory  for The water cycle in nature ! and
valid for the all phenomena on the Earth !

Trimis public

Absolute Truth !
now learn interdependence=causality Adjustable ring
between instant magnetization of magnetite=earthquakes , 
the water cycle in nature , electromagnetic storms and
(between Earth and Ionosphere)
for edification...
read please my original Theories ( Ion Cireasa)
in my blog  "Poezii de Ion Cireasa"
 I'll come back with details !

Anunt umanitar !
doar pentru Romania...
pentru magnetizari instantanee de magnetite
in zona GURA TEGHII- Vrancea

( ... 19 .... ! 25  ! ...   ) 02 2016

vor fi cutremure de medie adancime
pentru lamuriri citeste Teoria mea
despre magnetizarile instantanee de magnetite=seisme !

(pericol maxim acum...
in Italia , Grecia, Turcia...citeste postarile anterioare !)
voi reveni cu amanunte ... 

Domnul fie cu voi !

Trimis public  -
for earthquakes , for the extreme phenomena ,
for the water cycle in nature... please in my  poems  "Poezii de Ion Cireasa"
THE SECRET  NEGATIVELY IONIZED...between Earth and ionosphere
same principle=  ELECTROSTATIC ENERGY ( giant power !)
as in the my Theory :THE WATER CYCLE IN NATURE !
it may be possible  I say...
My Theory for antigravity (or antigravitation!)
Author:  Ing.  Ion Cireasa


magnetizari instantanee de magnetite
la Gura Teghii -Vrancea
pot fi posibile in intervalul
(...19....! 25 ! ...)02 2016 vor fi seisme de adancime medie
sau anunturi umanitare :

1.   nu mai consumati  HIDRONIU =H2O+ sau H3O+" =apa moarta"
sau  ionizata pozitiv
aceasta apa este acida ...ramane pe Pamant in urma fenomenului
de Electro-Vaporizare (vezi teoria mea despre Ciclul apei in natura !
si H2O+ duce la colaps biologic
la fel ca si apa cu deuteriu (D2O !)
poate fi  letala... in proportie de peste 35 % in organism

2.  consumati doar apa ionizata negativ ="apa vie" (H2O-) sau HO-
apace provine din surse bine protejate
si doar prin procese electrolitice naturale


3. pentru COPIII infestati cu e.coli
  bacterii de tot felul si virusuri
folositi pentru baut doar apa vie tratata
si cu ARGINT COLOIDAL in caz de urgente medicale...

Atentie !
folositi pentru copii APA VIE cu argint coloidal
numai la recomandarea unui medic specialist !
functie de varsta copilului
functie de greutatea corporala etc...

Domnul fie cu voi !

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Water cycle in nature= Theory for the Nobel prize

find out now...
secret water ionized negative !

for edification read please"Poezii de Ion Cireasa'

Trimis public 

Theories for the Nobel prize !=
1. Water cycle in nature
2. spontan magnetisation of magnetite =earthquakes...
3. theory for extreme phenomena !
read please scientific papers
in the new Academy for earthquakes and extreme phenomena

Author:  Ing.  Ion Cireasa

My Theory about the water cycle in nature

scratching your head forever extreme phenomena mysteries !

negatively ionized water vaporizes in the atmosphere
throught a complex process by telurica membrane
as a result of electrochemical phenomena...
Proof my Theory is hexagonal form of the snowflake !

negatively  ionized water is then drawn at  ionosphere
through strong electrostatic strengths
strengths of the electromagnetic strong
and the thermodynamic strong...

Proof my Theory is hexagonal from snowflake !

do not  insist now with mathematical formulas ...

for edification read please
"Poezii de Ion Cireasa "
stay always close !

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= Electro-geoingineria !
Autor Ing. Ion Cireasa

Anunturi umanitare:
1.  vor fi cutremure de suprafata
in toata Europa ,China, India, SUA, Japan, Chile
in urma recentelor furtuni electromagnetice si a temperaturilor scazute
potentialul termodinamic teluric s-a modificat ...
astfel , prin supraincalzire , depozitele de magnetite s-au demagnetizat
in unele zone pana aproape de suprafata Terrei
si , ca urmare , Inertia de raspuns a Pamantului pentru remagnetizarile instantanee de magnetite poate dura pana pe 15 02 2016 in toata Europa iar pentru Romania poate fi in intervalul (...13...)o2 2016 !

2.  vor cadea imense cantitati de precipitatii mixte...
peste toata Europa pentru ca recentele furtuni electromagnetice
au extras din teluric , prin fenomenul de ELECTRO-VAPORIZARE ,
imense cantitati de " apa negativa" (H2O- )!

3. Teoria mea despre circuitul apei in natura
este aceasta :
1. apa ajunge in cantitati infime in atmosfera prin fenomenul de TERMO-VAPORIZARE (incazirea apei la 100 de grade Celsius)
si se obtine aburul numai din procesele industriale

2. in atmosfera ajunge "apa negativa" (H2o-)
apa ce se VAPORIZEAZA , prin membrana telurica ,
in urma unor procese electrolitice...
iar moleculele de apa incarcate cu sarcini electrice negative sunt atrase , prin forte electrostatice , catre partea superioara a atmosferei unde....
si astfel se formeaza norii !

voi reveni cu amanunte !

This is a humanitarian ad

Trimis public  -
The new Academy ! =Earthquakes and extreme phenomena

now... for Romania !
(...07 02 2016... )=inertia of Earth 's response to earthquakes !
this range represents the new period for earthquakes
because electromagnetic storms booked
they extract heat from telluric
thermodynamic potential of Earth has changed...
the conditions are fulfilled for instant magnetization of magnetite
for area GURA TEGHII-Vrancea

for edification read please
"Poezii de Ion Cireasa"
I'll come back with details !